Sunshine Coast COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund Awarded $166,260 to Local Organizations

The Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue Association stands in a group in the forest.

While COVID-19 cases on the Coast have largely disappeared, during the height of the pandemic many organizations in our community struggled and had to close their doors or drastically alter the way they served the community.

Fundraising activities had to be cancelled, and organizations found themselves having to refund membership fees, jeopardizing their survival and their ability to provide the same or higher levels of service.

In response, the Sunshine Coast Foundation established the Sunshine Coast COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, intended to provide emergency relief to charities whose operations, programs, or services were negatively impacted by the restrictions or other factors related to the pandemic.

In particular, the intention was to support charities addressing the needs of those with mental health issues, seniors facing isolation, youth and families living in poverty, and those living in inadequate housing; as well as charities in other sectors whose operations or financial stability were jeopardized because of the challenges of fundraising in the pandemic environment.

The fund was seeded by resources from the Foundation, and contributed to by individuals and businesses on the Coast. We are very grateful to the Rotary Club of Gibsons, the District of Sechelt’s Community Forest Legacy Fund, the Vancouver Foundation, and all the donors who so generously contributed to this fund, making these grants possible.

Since launching the Sunshine Coast COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund in mid-April 2020, the Foundation awarded 40 grants to local organizations dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 and social distancing restrictions, to a total of $166,260.

Here is the list of grants that were awarded from this fund:


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