Vital Signs
What’s New?
Sunshine Coast’s Vital Signs 2024 was released on June 3, 2024! This unique community-driven data can help you better understand the issues at play on the Sunshine Coast – check out the 24-page report here.
Vital People/Vital Causes
Drawing on key data and themes from the Sunshine Coast’s Vital Signs 2024 report, we will share a Vital Person and Vital Cause with you on the first Friday of every month. Find the Vital People/Vital Causes features here:
July 2024: Mary Caros & Seniors
August 2024: Jane Davidson & Financial Stability for Charities
September 2024: David Stiles and Michelle Evelyn & Environment and Climate Change
October 2024: Volunteers in Marine Search and Rescue & Volunteering for the Safety of Others
November 2024: Robert (Bob) and Ellen Smith & Our Vulnerable Communities
December 2024: Bill Longman and Trudene Norman & Quality of life on the Coast
About Vital Signs
Vital Signs is Canada’s most extensive community-driven data program. Spearheaded by Community Foundations of Canada and led by community foundations in Canada and around the world.
Vital Signs uses local knowledge to measure the vitality of a community and support action towards improving collective quality of life. Local data gathered through the program is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level. Vital Signs aims to inspire civic engagement, to provide focus for public debate, and to help a range of actors take action and direct resources where they will have the greatest impact.
First started by the Toronto Foundation in 2001, Vital Signs is now a global program that has engaged more than 100 communities in Canada and around the world to mobilize the power of community knowledge for greater local impact.
The Sunshine Coast Foundation has produced Vital Signs publications since 2009. The 2024 report is our first full Vital Signs report in a decade, and it will include important and telling data about the post-pandemic health of our community.
All of our previous Vital Signs publications are available for download here.
Our Vital Signs Partners
We are grateful to the following organizations for their support in bringing Sunshine Coast’s Vital Signs 2024 report to fruition: