26 Nov Grant for New Equipment Gets Special Olympics Athletes Back on the Ice
Active on the Coast for more than 25 years, the Special Olympics BC Sunshine Coast provides individuals with an intellectual disability the opportunity to enhance their lives and celebrate personal achievement through positive sport experiences.
Curling is among the many sports programs they offer. The sport provides athletes far more than the physical benefits of improved health and athletic ability. Participation provides opportunities for athletes to develop social skills, cultivate friendships, strive to achieve goals and increase their self-esteem – ultimately enriching lives.
With people being isolated for the past 19 months, the athletes were excited to be getting back together to curl but the group faced a barrier when it came to equipment costs. In previous seasons the equipment was borrowed but with COVID restrictions, Curling Canada required that all curlers use their own equipment during the pandemic and this made borrowing no longer an option. With the help of funds from the Sunshine Coast Foundation, the curling program was able to purchase the equipment the athletes needed and continue!
“Thank you so much for helping with the purchase of new curling equipment for our Special Olympic athletes” shared Pat Stuart, Executive of the Sunshine Coast Special Olympics BC. “We have 13 curlers participating this year and they very much appreciate your support.” Stuart continued.
Involvement in Special Olympics helps individuals with an intellectual disability become more involved with the community and ensures they feel that they are valued members of our community. Coaches always comment on how caring the athletes are to each other and how they each bring their own abilities to share and contribute.
We are happy to be able to support these athletes getting back to curling after many months off the ice. Keep an eye out on Coast Cable as they feature the curling program on community television this weekend!
The Special Olympics BC Sunshine Coast is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization providing sport, recreation training and competition to athletes with intellectual disabilities. They are always actively recruiting for new coaches, assistant coaches, general volunteers and executive members. If you are interested in finding out more then please contact them.
Looking for some more good news stories? Read this story to learn about the grants we awarded to local organizations from our Sunshine Coast COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund.
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Posted at 21:19h, 13 December[…] for more stories about the impact our grants are having on the Sunshine Coast? Read about how we’re helping Special Olympics athletes get back on the […]